Preston and District Wildfowlers Association

“A club rooted in local tradition” – “Conservation is Our Aim”

Preston and District Wildfowlers Association (PDWA) was formed in 1953 to maintain proper conservation of all wildfowl and the habitats under our control. We also aim to manage wildfowling sustainably to help provide an enjoyable pastime and valuable food for our members. PDWA control the wildfowling and implement approved conservation practices on 1500 acres of mainly tidal saltmarsh on the Ribble Estuary on Hutton and Longton marshes in Lancashire.

Wildfowling is the pursuit of wild ducks and geese on coastal estuaries and marshes. It has a very long tradition on the Ribble Estuary and takes place in autumn and winter when large numbers of migratory wildfowl arrive on our marshes.

Wildfowling is an arduous and often solitary sport. To get close to wild ducks and geese, wildfowlers must access remote areas at dawn or dusk. Storms, and hard weather can often provide the best hunting conditions.

To hunt a wary and keen-eyed quarry requires an intimate understanding of wildfowl behaviour and a high level of fieldcraft which can take a lifetime to learn. With this comes a deep respect for bird life, wild habitats, and a unique and very personal connection with the natural environment.

Wildfowling is strictly regulated by the law and our own self-imposed rules. PDWA members must have a shotgun certificate granted by the police and must be fully insured. The quarry species and the seasons in which they may be taken are regulated by law. All our wildfowling and conservation activities are consented by Government via Natural England.

PDWA is affiliated to the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)

Sir Peter Scott – Wildfowler and founder of WWT said “As a natural resource wildfowl should be regarded as a legitimate crop, and wildfowling is the traditional way of harvesting it. We must only be sure that the harvest is there to gather”